Change - Necessary or Not?

A recent inquiry refers to the value of constantly
"changing-up" either the sequence of movements or actual
movement(s) themselves at periodic intervals during a fitness
transformation approach. While I do personally advocate that at
different intervals with clients, it is really done to offset an
adaptive plateau, not just for the mere sake of change itself.
Those changes can be as subtle as altering repetition speed or
shortening the rest period(s). Keep in mind that for those who
are "neophytes" engaged in resistance training or novices as
trainees, there is a neuro-muscular "learning curve" that is
apparent and must first be mastered for an exercise and its
execution to be precise and truly effective. Someone who cannot
exact proper form and focus with particular movements is in no
way ready to further confound the process by switching to
another (or another series of movements) that he or she is
ill-prepared to demonstrate. One school of thought even suggests
that it is even preferable to stay with those movements that you
are most comfortable with, since precise execution neural
patterning is enhanced, thereby providing an environment for
training efficiency.
Insofar as one's instincts go, be careful of calling this
changing of protocol "instinctive training", as we as humans are
not driven by instincts, but rather by cognitive thought (logic
and reasoning). If we were merely left to our instincts, we
would most likely lie on the couch and eat Snickers bars all
day, rather than make the decision to become productive.
Periodic change is good, since total predictability will bog
down continued progress, but base those changes on training
needs, not merely on blind and random action.
Muscles grow from OVERLOAD, not merely by changing the
-Eric Shrieves